Measure HR performace with Strategy2act

Measure HR performance with HR metrics

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HR metrics are a flexible tool that HR managers can use to measure the own performance, that CEOs can use to measure the performance of their HR department. The questions are: what to measure, how to measure and how to improve HR performance basing measurement results.

What to measure: HR performance metrics

It depends much on what your business does, how to you hire your personal, what are your business goals and how your employees are involved in relationship with customers. In Strategy2Act software we suggest some basic metrics, that may be used as a basis for following considerations.

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HR performance: “Employee turnover” metrics

  • Cost per Hire;

  • Turnover Cost;

  • Turnover Rate;

  • Time to Fill;

  • Length of Employment;

HR performance: “Recruiting” metrics:

  • Vacant Period;

  • New Hires Performance Appraisal;

  • Manager Satisfaction;

  • Turnover Rates of New Hires;

  • Financial Impact of Bad Hire;

HR performance: “Retention” metrics:

  • Overall Employee Turnover;

  • Preventable Turnover;

  • Diversity Turnover;

  • Financial Impact;

HR performance: “Training and development” metrics:

  • Learning and Growth Opportunities;

  • On-the-job learning Contentment;

  • Opportunities for New Hires;

Read more about HR measurement metircs

How to measure HR performance

We have designed Strategy2Act software for this purpose, you will be able to edit performance metrics, assign specific goals, describe how to measure the results and what are target values. All information will be represented as a dashboard, that is easy to read and share.

Performance metrics


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The control panel below gives an opportunity to describe performance indicator name, measurement, description and target value.

Describe performace indicator target value

Improve HR performance basing measurement results

So, how to improve hr performance? It's as easy as tree steps manager should follow:

  1. Find and share with others a clear and easy to measure HR performance metrics;

  2. Assign tasks to your employees and explain what performance indicators is each task aimed at;

  3. Measure and control job done using these performance indicators;

The result is HR department that works for your business and helps you to achieve your business goals.


We have designed software product that can leverage your HR performance with balanced scorecard technique.

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